Thursday, May 19, 2011

Party Time

Ok, I did it! I finally gave my son a real birthday party...theme and all! He only had to wait 8 years, his last big party was when he was 1.

We had a homemade pinata...

...which was destroyed faster than you could say "Death to the Death Star"!

Jedi Padawan training was second only to that of Disneyland. If only I had enough time to make everyone robes...oh well, next time!

And what's a Star Wars party without the buns?

How about these scrumptious delights?

...every one got a real kick out of the names. I forgot to take a picture of the Death Star melon balls, the Yoda Soda, and Pizza the Hut.
Steve and I slaved away on assembling the Lego sets till midnight one evening just to display them for the party.

We had more saber training by trying to keep asteroids afloat....

and defending ourselves from evil water balloons.

Then we were ready to take on the evil Empire with a treasure hunt to free the captured Lego people.

Christopher had a wonderful time with his friends for his 9th birthday, a party he won't soon forget...especially considering that it's not likely he'll have another until he's 18.

Happy Birthday my love!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Happiest Place on Earth

We are having a really wonderful time at Disneyland. None of us have ever stayed for more than one day...we are able to go on rides that we would not have otherwise opted for due to time constraints. It's been really wet until Steve got off work at 4pm. The boys and I only were able to do 4 rides all day because of rain and lines and not knowing my way around....then Steve joined us, the rain stopped and the people disipated and we were on and off more rides in a matter of a couple of hours than we had done all day!...Off to California Adventure Park...stay tuned!
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Silly Boys

The boys got to go to birthday party with an "Old West" theme. We just recently finished reading "Indian in the Cupboard" which inspired them to dress up as these silly characters...the mustaches were in there goody bags...I love boys!
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